No fluff here ladies! These are functional, amazing looking utility kilts. Each of our standard utility kilts come with two buckles and straps and allow for a wide range of hip measurements. Two large cargo pockets on each size allow you to carry just about anything you might need. The design and construction of each kilt was done with a ladies body measurements in mind. Our standard utility kilts are the Standard for all utility kilts. Only UT Kilts combines price, quality, and durability into each of our kilts. These ladies kilts look absolutely stunning and, at the same time, are still very functional and versatile!
Features Include:
- 2 snap closures (one on the inside)
- 2 large cargo pockets on each side
- Durable and long-lasting Poly-viscose material
- All sizes have standard 19″ drop
- Lifetime warranty on all metal hardware (free replacements sent)
- Matching tartan hose flashes can be found here
Tartan Information
From Scottish Tartans Authority: “Gov. Tartan No. 1. This sett is based on Logan’s ‘Sutherland’ tartan. Various thread counts appear in Wilson’s pattern books of roughly the same proportions. Documents show that this was the tartan appointed for the Highland Companies in 1725 and later for the Black Watch in 1739. Slightly different count from 42nd Regiment. Sample in STA’s Scarlett Collection. Sinclair/Brown Scrapbook (started in the 1930’s) provides a particularly dark sample with the notes: ” . . . worn by Earl of Sutherland 1719 [Portrait] and known to have been used by the clan and by the Gordons in the early 17th century.” With that in mind, it in considered a fashion tartan today and can be worn by anyone.
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